I’m Jemma Jane

A soulful energy healer and weaver of magic that guides you into your inner realms to have breathtaking transformation. Awakening your spiritual devotion and honouring your soul path in your own unique way. With the ability to see the greater picture and how each little aspect is part of a whole, and therefore, one. My majestic power lies in connection. Connection to the divine, to our earth, to one’s shadow, and the lessons that bloom from our transformation. Each lesson is but another thread used to weave our way back home.

My souls mission is to awaken your connection to the divine within. I create a safe space for vulnerability and transformational healing. Allowing your soul to unravel deepening your intuition and own inner guidance and reconnecting you with your true divine essence.


Embrace the essence of soul remembrance, our sessions transcend the physical and delves into the depths of your souls history.

Together, we invoke the ancient wisdom that resides with the new empowering you to move forward with newfound clarity, and resilience by the end of our transformative session, you’ll find yourself in a space of renewed vitality and alignment. Ready to embrace life journey through a place of profound balance and harmony.


Step into the sanctuary of growth, empowerment, where the Divine feminine and the cosmic energy is converted to waking your inner goddess. Embrace the enchanting dance of your souls journey as we uncover the brilliance that you inherited posses.

This mental ship speaks to empires and light workers who are ready for more depth, and connection with themselves through real guidance, and support the spiritual leaders, ready to leave the imprint and wisdom, medicine and creation to the world, reactivate your psychic abilities, an amplifier, spiritual connection and practices.

Energy Healings

This deep healing help you build your own connection and trust in yourself. Each session is an opportunity to develop your intuition and connect with a spiritual team. This energetic alignment will be a powerful transmission for you to reflect release and rebirth the new you

During a healing, we peel away layers of negative emotions, thoughts, forms, beliefs, and behaviours habits contracts, thousand promises formed in this lifetime or another This all works awakens in activates the codes within your souls blueprint and helps you heal your trauma allowing for massive transformational shifts.

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Become a part of our soulful journey towards awakening, healing, and spiritual devotion.

I look forward to sharing this transformative path with you.

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You can find me here